This Team Identity painting workshop is ideal for employees to think together about the color of the team.
Which shapes suit 'our' team? Is this angular and powerful or more round, flowing and flexible. How do we want to be seen by the rest of the organization or the outside world? Where do our qualities lie? How can we shape these qualities?
Team members become aware of the culture within the team while they also create something beautiful… The Team Logo!
With this inspiring workshop, the team's sense of solidarity is visualized through a work of art. Get creative together with brush and paint under the professional guidance of the painting coach. Employees are encouraged to put aside barriers and brainstorm about the work of art in an open atmosphere. All employees are involved during the brainstorming session. It remains a creation of the entire team. Ultimately, sketches are transformed into a large painting!
This company workshop is ideal for use when new employees are included in a team. The Team Identity Design workshop is also a refreshing way to get to know each other in an informal way when forming completely new teams. For teams that have existed for a long time, the workshop can lead to new insights.
In addition to designing and painting the Team Logo together, it is also possible to develop a theme or subject that the organization or team is dealing with in one large painting.